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#58520 - 06.10.03 18:18 Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany?
Nicht registriert
Hello everybody!

I´m searching for Trek 520 touring bike, but importer here in Finland says it´s not in their selection and therefore they will not order one for me.

If anyone of you would know any shop in Germany or Scandinavia which would have them and preferably have an email address for the shop too, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks! grin

Raine Kallio
Helsinki, Finland
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#60676 - 25.10.03 07:07 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Anonym]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 652
The internet - searching - machine that we mostly use in Germany ( Google ) doesn't show any enterprise in Germany, but many adresses in the USA. Fear you have get it from beyond the big water...
You could ask "andreas schwall", a german member of this forum living in Canada.

How is the weather in Helsinki?
Greetings from Lübeck
Andy They tell me the greatest wisdom of all is kindness
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#60706 - 25.10.03 13:10 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Andy]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 1.162
ha ha----you think you are funny--ey!?

yes, of course, cool i will try to find something out tongue
i guess i have to use google in canada smile

ooookkk, i googled........... and all i found was one used trek 520 for sale in the states---thats about it.

Geändert von andreas schwall (25.10.03 13:22)
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#60753 - 26.10.03 05:17 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: schwalli]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 652
So sorry, Andreas!
I should have ask(ed?) (my grammar is not the best frown ) you first.... please don't mind. blush grin

As far as I could see it's a very nice bike worth to look for. Good luck to Finland!
Andy They tell me the greatest wisdom of all is kindness
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#60962 - 27.10.03 20:16 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Anonym]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 7.543
Hello / hyvä !
Did you ask the cycle club of Fin or of Helsinki ?
They, I think, know much more as we here, far away from your country... wink
You can find the adresses of cycling clubs in Fin by the European Cyclist Federation ECF This Website is written in english language, so it will no problem for you! smile

I know, that´s very difficult for you, to find good quality parts or complete bikes in Fin, the best chances, I think, you´ll have in the capital Helsinki.
I know there only 3 shops, one was Intersport, the others were nearby an trekkingshop (5 min by foot) from the esplanade. But I don´t know they´ve Trek´s crazy

Best wishes back to your nice town from someone, who was for five times there ! laugh
Schönen Gruß
Unterwegs zu sein, heißt für mich nicht auf der Flucht zu sein. Ich habe Zeit genug, oder nehme sie mir. Vielleicht weil ich noch kein Rentner bin? Bin auf Reisen nicht elektrifiziert unterwegs. Wieso? Weil ich es noch kann!
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#61792 - 03.11.03 21:46 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: cyclist]
Nicht registriert
We have plenty of bike shops here in Helsinki, from wich many sell also Trek bikes. But, as 520 is not in Finnish Trek importers selection, they will not have it around here.

Finding quality bikes and components surely is not a problem here, just that they dont have the frikkin 520! smirk

I decided to buy the bike from Los Angeles. It retails there 999USD, wich is roughly 880 euros. A german shop I contacted offered it to me for 1700 euros (+ the shipping charges...)! mad Buying the bike from the US is a lot cheaper option, even after taxes, as transatlantic flights charge no extra for a bike as part of my luggages.

Thank you all so much!

And the weather in Helsinki is now very wet and dark, and temperature is about +4 celsius. (monday 3.10.2003 23.45) grin grin

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#61794 - 03.11.03 21:58 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Anonym]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 7.543
Hi And!
Nice to read, that you find your bike, wheneven not in your country, but in the US! ooo
Here i´n´t the weather much better: +9°C , wet + stormy with flashlights that kills somewhere our phonesystems of our supporter - but the Webconnections is still ok! laugh
Best regards back to Finland!
Schönen Gruß
Unterwegs zu sein, heißt für mich nicht auf der Flucht zu sein. Ich habe Zeit genug, oder nehme sie mir. Vielleicht weil ich noch kein Rentner bin? Bin auf Reisen nicht elektrifiziert unterwegs. Wieso? Weil ich es noch kann!
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#82037 - 05.04.04 19:04 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Raine]
erik, göteborg
Nicht registriert
Hi. i guess youve allready found your bike. If not, you can find it at cykelspecialisten, mölndalsvägen 77, göteborg(gothenburgh). 031-402324
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#158665 - 16.03.05 22:46 Re: Trek 520 from Scandinavia or Germany? [Re: Raine]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 3
I am coming to England. I can bring my Trek 520 21" if you will pay a fair price for it and pay the frieght.
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